如果你是一个为了学业成功而努力学习的学生,你应该得到认可. At CMU, we will reward your efforts through our scholarship opportunities. 基于成绩的奖学金根据学习成绩颁发给合格的费耶特大学本科生, GPA和/或ACT.
Fayette | 全州/在线 | 条件 | Outside
新生: For both domestic and international students: merit-based scholarships vary from $14,000 to $6,000 and are based on cumulative GPA和/或ACT/SAT scores.
奖学金 | 最低要求 | 年度奖 |
总统奖学金 | 3.9 GPA或29 ACT/1330 SAT | $14,000 |
大学奖学金 | 3.5 GPA或27 ACT/1260 SAT | $12,000 |
受托人的奖学金 | 3.GPA 0分或ACT 24分/ SAT 1160分 | $10,000 |
校友奖学金 | 2.75 GPA或22 ACT/110 SAT | $9,000 |
优秀学生奖学金 | 2.GPA 5分,ACT 21分,SAT 1060分 OR 2.5 GPA和委员会批准 | $7,000 |
鹰奖学金 | <2.5 GPA and >22 ACT/1100 SAT (committee approval required for admission) | $6,000 |
转学: 对于国内和国际学生:根据转学学时数和学生的累积GPA,以成绩为基础颁发奖学金.
奖学金 | 最低要求 | 年度奖 |
大学奖学金 | 3.9 GPA + 24学时 | $12,000 |
受托人的奖学金 | 3.5 GPA + 24学时 | $10,000 |
校友奖学金 | 3.25 GPA + 24学时 | $9,000 |
优秀学生奖学金 | 3.0 GPA + 24学时 | $7,000 |
中央奖学金 | 2.5 GPA + 24学时 | $6,000 |
转移奖学金 | <2.5 GPA + 24学时 (committee approval required for admission) | $5,000 |
古尔斯塔德学者转学奖学金: Gulstad学者转学奖学金通过支持优秀的社区大学生转学到位于费耶特的CMU完成他们的学士学位来表彰优秀的本科生. Eligible students must be a current student at a community college, a sophomore with an anticipated graduation status, 累积平均分是2分.4分,75分或更高.0级,并且必须符合CMU学生手册中规定的住房政策指南.
离家近的大学: 博彩平台推荐离家近的大学计划将为所有接受的非课程学生提供50%的学费减免 Howard, Calloway, Camden, Cooper, Saline, Audrain, Randolph, Chariton, Moniteau, 蒙哥马利, Pettis, Morgan, Cole, Osage, Monroe, Ralls, 和布恩县. This scholarship applies to students who earned a minimum of a 2.平均绩点75分,成绩为A+. 学生可以住在校园里或与父母或监护人住在一起(遵守所有CMU住房政策)。. This scholarship may not be combined with any other CMU scholarship offer.
海洋生物日: 在CMU的2024年春季海洋生物学日, you can learn all you want to know about one of our fastest-growing and popular majors, 海洋生物学. 除了, 你可以找到更多十大博彩平台我们的可堆叠的$5,000 scholarships for the best of the best -- Scuba Diving Student of the Day; Sea Urchin Student of the Day; and Greg Thurmon 海洋生物学 Student of the Day. 从十大博彩平台水肺认证的讨论到我们学生的潜水之旅,你将学到这一切. You can check out our Urchin lab and experience other hands-on activities, talk to current students about course highlights and even job opportunities. Check back in early September when we announce the date and registration deadline.
中央学者竞赛: 中央学者竞赛是一项仅面向高中高年级学生的邀请活动. 学生的平均成绩必须不低于3分.75人被邀请参加. 该竞赛旨在表彰那些在学业上取得优异成绩并具有服务意识的新型传统本科生. Up to two Eagle Select 提供全额 scholarships (fees, 不包括住宿和膳食计划),最多可获得一名医学预科学生全额学费奖学金(全额学费获得者需住校)。.
The 2024 Central Scholars Competition will be held on February 24, 2024 on campus. Students who reside outside the state of Missouri may request to participate virtually.
中央达人秀奖学金比赛: 2月22日 2024. Central’s Got Talent is an annual event for students in their senior year. Two 提供全额 scholarships will be awarded after competition in Vocal, 仪器, 及表扬乐队. 请在下面注册CGT. 舞台的中心 acting and theatre design competitions take place 2月22日 2024. 请在下面注册中心舞台. We will award major scholarships to the top three winners in each category. 申请/注册, students may receive an invitation from the Office of 招生 to compete. 活动对家长和家庭开放. They provide opportunities to see the campus and learn about financial aid, 学生服务, 还有很多其他有用的信息. Note: Full-tuition scholarship winners are required to live on campus.
建立联盟几个10美元,1万root奖学金提供给高中毕业生和社区大学转学生. rootED scholarship winners can double their money in a matching arrangement with CMU. 候选人必须符合一定的资格,点击下面看看你的学校是否符合资格.
Click below to apply for the rootED scholarship:
Community college transfer students coming from East Central Community College, 奥扎克技术社区学院, 州立公平社区学院, 或三河社区学院符合以下条件才有资格申请: http://stlouisgraduates.academicworks.com/opportunities/3356
Be a student transferring from a community college in Missouri, with plans to continue education at a bachelor’s degree granting institution
Have graduated from a rural Missouri high school in the past five years
Plan to attend full-time at an accredited, nonprofit college or university
证明经济需要, 由联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)或类似需求计算确定. Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) over $15,000 must have significant and extenuating circumstances to be considered.
联合卫理公会半学费奖学金: To qualify for the United Methodist 奖学金, 学生必须是一个活跃的联合卫理公会成员,在他或她的当地教会有良好的信誉至少一年, 哪个必须由牧师核实. Verification can be done by pastors using this form. 请查看 联华电子网站 申请其他联华大学奖学金.
Half-tuition scholarships will increase with the cost of tuition each academic year. 学生必须有2分.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible for this award and must maintain a 2.0保留. The United Methodist award may not be combined with other CMU scholarships.
优秀毕业生奖学金: 毕业生代表奖学金表彰密苏里州的高中毕业生,他们已经取得了毕业生代表的地位. 符合条件的学生可以在成功完成此申请并满足获得该奖项的要求后获得可续期的全额学费奖学金. Verification can be done by high school counselors using this form.
Phi Theta Kappa奖学金: $1,000 scholarship available to transfer students that are a member of PTK. 学生必须保持2分.0 GPA.
格兰特:遗产 有家长的学生, 祖父母, or sibling who has graduated from CMU may be eligible for a $1,000年格兰特. The 遗赠补助金表格 需要提交认证吗.
兄弟姐妹格兰特: Students who have a sibling currently enrolled at CMU may be eligible for a $1,000年格兰特.
**Legacy and Sibling Grants may not be combined.
These scholarships are awarded to students participating in designated CMU activities. The scholarships vary in amount and require an audition, 面试, or tryout with the appropriate activity director, coach, 或者教职员工. A student may combine only one participation scholarship and academic scholarship. Varsity athletic scholarships may not be combined with any other scholarship.
Baseball | Dance | Softball |
男子篮球 | eSports | 队精神 |
女子篮球 | Football | 田径运动员 |
Bowling | 高尔夫-男子 | 田径-女子 |
越野赛-男子 | 高尔夫-女子 | 排球 |
越野-女子 | 足球-男子 | 摔跤-男子 |
Cheer | 女子足球 | 摔跤-女子 |
Fine Arts
器乐 | 护旗队 |
声乐 | 学生的部 |
Theatre | 敬拜的乐队 |
古尔斯塔德成就奖学金: 古尔斯塔德成就奖学金是为希望在CMU的扩展站点或在线学习的学生提供的. 才有资格获得这项奖学金, 学生必须是全日制学生, have completed an associate's degree from a CMU partner community college, 累积绩点为2分.4分,75分或更高.0 scale. The scholarship will be split between two semesters. 请浏览我们的 古尔斯塔德奖学金申请页面 了解更多.
CMU学术奖学金颁发给 全职(12-18hrs) 根据学生的GPA和ACT成绩的学术记录来录取本科新生. 2022年秋季生效, 除校队体育奖学金外,所有机构奖学金均用于学费和杂费,不得超过出勤费. 全州/在线学生有资格获得cges奖学金,没有资格获得费耶特校园机构奖学金.
校友的慷慨, friends, and churches allows Central the opportunity to offer aid to many of our students. 这些赞助人堂和捐赠奖学金承担了CMU颁发的大部分机构奖学金. 在CMU第一学年开始之前,即将入学的新生或转学生接受的机构奖学金一揽子计划是学生在大学入学前最多可获得10个学期的奖学金, provided that they maintain the appropriate GPA required for their scholarship. 这种说法的例外是,学生参加体育或人才项目可以获得的奖励金额可以根据表现或参与情况进行调整.
Institutional aid may be reduced if assistance is received by third parties. 半价学费学生, 提供全额, or varsity scholarships are not eligible for any other institutional scholarships. 全额学费奖学金和校外奖学金不能超过学年的学费.
Any scholarship changes or additions need to be made prior to initial awarding. 学生必须在入学前通知招生部门任何奖学金资格.
被批准在校外生活的学生只能获得总计全额学费的机构奖励, 一般费用, up to $1,000英镑买书, 还有一份1美元的膳食计划,每学期减少的餐食计划.
*This program involves matching support from a student’s church, UMHEF, participating United Methodist-related schools, 以及参与UMC会议的基金会.
学生教会支持1美元,000 (on a church check sent to UMHEF) UMHEF will match that $1,000 Participating United Methodist-related schools will match with $1,000 Participating UMC Conference Foundations may match up to $1,000 Your potential UMDFS scholarship total is up to $4,000 You must apply annually to be awarded a scholarship each school year
奖学金申请: http://umhef.org/scholarships/umdfs/
Note: Some exceptions may apply to the CMU match based on the CMU scholarship policy.